The purpose of Reeds in an instrument is to send acoustic waves through it. It is one of the most important parts of the instrument that the players would see to it that it is in proper condition before they would play. One small damage to the reeds and could be playing a different sound than the one they originally imagined. When something goes wrong, the reed always gets the blame so you will never meet a musician who is always happy with the reed.
They are always finding out ways to make it improve in order to produce the best songs possible. It is not an easy job to make music as you have to find out the perfect combination for your target audience to like it. Some reeds can be improved by storing them in magic fluids but it is obvious the musicians have researched their own way of improving them. They know they must take good care of the reeds because it is one key factor that will get them a huge record label signing. There are thousands of musicians all over the world who are just waiting for that one big opportunity and they will rise to the top and never look back. Of course, it is easier said than done since there are so many aspiring musicians which is the reason why there are so many shows auditioning for people to be the next breakout start. There is a lot of competition for them which is actually the best part because there is no better feeling in the world than to win over them all. Imagine all the things that you all have to go through just to win the competition and there can only be one winner.
The celebrity judges will show no mercy for the contestants because they know they will get a bad reputation if they end up picking the wrong winner. Sometimes, the fans can also vote for who they want in the competition which is where the contestants will try and suck up to the fans on social media. There are times when it works but most of the time it is the network that really makes the decision on who will be the victor in the end.